יום שישי, 30 בנובמבר 2012

תמונות חדשות של בלקברי 10 - השינויים נכנסו לתוקף

במהלך הלילה האחרון ה Dev Alpha קיבל עדכון אשר מיועד ברובו
למפתחים אך בין כל השינויים שבין הגרסאות, אפשר לראות את השינוי
עליו דיברו אתמול ב RIM ביום הראשון של ארוע ה JAM באסיה.

אפשר לראות את האייקונים החלקים הרבה יותר אסתטים וכמובן,
השם Blackberry World כבר מיושם בשטח במקום השם קודם.
ללא ספק מיתוג חדש להתחלה חדשה של בלקברי 10.

להלן כלל השינויים שעודכנו במכשיר המפתחים של בלקברי 10

BlackBerry OS version 10.0.9 Bundle 1103

Please be sure to create a second BlackBerry ID for your Dev Alpha device. If you use your existing BlackBerry ID, all BBM contacts could be transferred from your current BlackBerry device to your Dev Alpha device and they will be erased from your current BlackBerry device. You will NOT be able to automatically transfer your BBM contacts back to your current device at this time.

New in this release

  • BlackBerry App World storefront has been re-branded as BlackBerry World
  • BlackBerry World now supports payments for apps and games, and in-app payments
  • BlackBerry Hub placeholder is now available
  • When you turn on Development mode on the device, a notification is sent to the Hub and an indicator light flashes
  • Various updates have been made to the look and feel of UI components and the standard size for application icons. For more information, see the UI guidelines

Known issues

This section lists known issues for BlackBerry 10.0.0 Development Alpha B.
In some instances, sharing a web page in a browser using NFC may result in the BlackBerry device entering sleep mode.
In some instances, if you connect your BlackBerry device to another device using an HDMI cable, the audio might not behave as expected.
Pictures added to Gmail contacts on the BlackBerry device do not appear in the contact's details until you re-enter the contact details. After you exit and open the contact application the contact pictures appear as expected.
The BlackBerry device does not connect to the 3G network on bootup. As a workaround, you can force the BlackBerry device to 3G mode.
If you change your mobile network settings so that your device connects to a 2G mobile network (such as GSM), you might see a cell broadcast message on your device every two or three minutes.
Pictures added to contacts on the BlackBerry device are not synchronized to Microsoft Outlook.
In some instances while playing media files, the audio may be clipped for a fraction of a second.
The notifications area of the Hub will constantly flash the red LED when a notification such as entering Development Mode is sent. As a workaround, wait until the blinking times out after 10-15 minutes OR turn LED off in Settings.
Time settings may not be updated if you change time zone in the Date and Time settings.

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